A Guide to the Works of Sinan the Architect in Istanbul

Yazar : Reha Günay
İsbn : 975-8599-77-1
Yayın Tarihi : 2006
Sayfa Sayısı : 247
Ölçü : 11,5 x 21,5 cm
Yayınevi : Y.E.M

Sinan was the architect who shaped classical Ottoman architecture in the 16th century. Istanbul is home to most of the finest buildings designed by Sinan, whose contribution to our cultural and architectural history is unsurpassed. This book has been designed in the form of a guidebook to Sinan's buildings in Istanbul, taking a route that begins at the heart of the old walled city. The city is divided into six separate sections, with maps at the beginning and see their relative positions to one another. In the course of an enjoyable tour through the most fascinating areas of the city you will see how Sinan's creative genius set its mark on the development of Ottoman architecture and influenced his successors
******Reha Günay

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