Reciprocity Greek and Turkish Minorities Law, Religion and Politics

Yazar : Samim Akgönül
İsbn : 9786053990222
Yayın Tarihi : Şubat, 2008
Dil : İngilizce
Sayfa Sayısı : 171
Ölçü : 16 x 23 cm
Yayınevi : İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi

Historian and Political Scientist, Samim Akgönül is an Associate Professor at Marc Bloch University of Strasbourg and a Researcher at French National Centre for Scientific Research. His work has focused on religious minorities and he has conducted case studies on non-Muslim minorities in Turkey and Muslim minorities in the Greece. Reciprocity is a universal concept in international law and in international relations that encourages the parties to adhere to contractual agreements. It is also binding, as it allows the possibility of sanctions under the international law. However, within the framework of reciprocal treatment of the minorities in Greece and Turkey, the concept was misconstrued and, eventually, misused by the respective governments. In both of these states, reciprocity had been interpreted as a legitimate basis for retaliation against its own citizens for policies of another sovereign state. Clearly, reciprocity, when applied to the situation of minorities in Greece and Turkey, cannot be treated by both governments as means of reprisal, but instead should be a source of responsibility towards the respective minority that resides in each of the states and constitutes part of the society.
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